Life is all about choices. Ultimately we are the sum total of choices we make.
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Bhoot Bangla - A live story!
where have all the readers gone?
Where have all the readers gone?
Where have all the readers gone?
This question had formed in my mind recently. It left me wondering if this is a vanishing tribe. The young people I know, hardly read books.
In the days gone by, it was a common sight to find people waiting at Railway stations and Bus Stations spending their waiting time glued to paperback thrillers. As kids, we envied these people hoping to catch a glimpse of the book's title with its lovely cover illustration. We had a huge crush on paperbacks! Where have all these paperback readers gone?
Not a day used to pass, without a visit to the local library during our younger days. The libraries were full of people. Young and old. Young people were in a mad rush to pick the popular fiction of the day. The old were happy to read newspapers and magazines. There was a huge rush in the aisles where fiction used to be kept. Some of the popular fiction of the day was rarely to be found on the shelves. If one spotted such a book, there was a mad chase to pick the book before it vanished off the shelves! Sometimes, the librarian used to keep some of the popular books with him to be issued to his/her favourite customer. You had to be in his good ‘books’ to become a favourite! The libraries which were dotted on every street, seems to have closed shutters. Where have all these libraries with voracious readers gone?
Each Railway station or even Bus Station had a bookstall with wonderful paperbacks stacked away behind sturdy glass walls. The paperback covers had sizzling illustrations in beautiful colour and was a dazzling sight to behold! Some of the passengers and passers-by in the stations stood staring at the book covers with a longing; hoping they would be able to afford to buy them one day! Where have all these railway/bus station bookstalls gone?
The street bookseller sat on the footpath with a huge cache of old books with pirated versions of crudely reprinted books spread out before him. People had to navigate this bookseller to jostle heavily crowded footpaths weaving their way to their destination! A group of passers-by stood staring at the books displayed, hoping for a cheap bargain for a book of their choice. Rifling through the books, we had to sometimes settle for a version with few pages missing! The bargain with the seller would start once the book of choice was selected. Happy with the bargain, we used to be delighted to take home the book looking forward to read through the book as early as possible. Where have all these street booksellers with bargain-hunting readers gone?
In our younger days, rich people living in handsome bungalows owned a huge collection of books both fiction and non-fiction. These books were displayed proudly in gleaming teakwood/rosewood book shelves having glass panes for doors. I have vivid memories of visiting some of these houses and envying the rich people, wondering how they could afford to buy so many books! I could still visualize the grey-haired man of the house living in a handsome bungalow reclining on an easy-chair, with his favourite book in his hand, his glasses perched on the top of his nose. Where have all these book collectors with reading habits gone?
My memories take me back to my college days where you could see fresh young faces just past their teens perched atop the corridor stairs or door steps reading fiction behind stealthily covered college text books . More young animated students were to be seen arguing among their peer group defending their favourite authors! Where have all these fresh young animated readers gone?
In gardens and parks around the city, during the lazy afternoons, one could see people sitting on benches below the green shades of trees contentedly reading away their favourite fiction (Mills &Boons, if they were young women) and occasionally dozing off! Where have all these happy readers gone?
This brings me to the collection of my books purchased over a lifetime, gathering dust in the book shelf perched in the corner. Ridden with guilt, I look over and pick an interesting book to read. I hear an alert notification from my smartphone showing arrival of a whatsapp message! That is the signal to drop the book, back in the shelf where it originally belonged!
The TV in the living room is showing the Amazon Kindle ad where an old couple is glued to ‘Kindle Reader’, browsing the Kindle in the glare of soft warm light, hoodwinking their partner; signalling the advent of a new era!
If indeed there was no ‘Apple’ that possibly invented the smartphone (to whom we owe gratitude for inventing this time-saving and time-wasting device!) or for that matter the ubiquitous Internet, the dear late lamented “readers” would have been very much present to this day. What the hell, this is a more exciting world that we live in! Smartphones, tablets, phablets, note, palm-tops, and what not; gleaming new devices everywhere, what could be more wonderful?
Books, who wants them? It looks nice on the book shelf, doesn't it?